The June 13th, 2018 EAA Chapter 21, Inc. meeting, normally schedule at Skylane airport, will now take place at Deaconess Midtown Hospital auditorium starting at 1830 local. We have changed the venue to accommodate the Evansville TRACON controllers presentation. Please make sure you let everyone know of the change.
The Evansville controllers will present the 2018 Runway Safety Action Team findings and a 20 minute video of a recent incident with an IFR pilot in distress. The video includes the radar presentation and audio of the more than 90 minute encounter with the pilot having to divert to KEVV due to weather.
KEVV controllers will also brief pilots on the 2018 Oshkosh Air Venture NOTAM and their experiences as both pilots and controllers during the week long event. Time permitting, I will brief on IFR arrival procedures, e-STMP and VFR departure briefings/procedures for first time attendees.
If questions, please send reply to this forum or contact EAA Chapter 21 at
This is don't miss stuff. See you there...