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 Post subject: F1H Rocket "Crazy Horse"
PostPosted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 9:43 am 
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Joined: Wed Mar 06, 2013 9:30 am
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Location: Mount Vernon, IN
Just to kick things off on the new EAA21 forum, here's a link to my baby: http://www.vincesrocket.com

As of 3-6-13, she has about 340 hours on her. Here's what I've learned in the last 340 hours:
1) Rockets aren't any harder to fly than any other RV taildragger
2) Constant speed props are worth every penny.
3) She doesn't burn any more fuel than a fixed pitch 160HP RV-6 at the same speeds. This is if you balance the injectors and run LOP. Obviously, if the RV-6 had fuel injection and ran LOP, then things would be different. I only point this out because the #1 comment I hear is: "It must burn a lot of gas." No, that's not necessarily true.
4) However, when I feel like burning a bit more gas, 24" and 2400 RPM will give me about 210knots. Yes, that is nice.
5) I've raced 3 other Rockets and beat them. All of them had 3 blade props. I have a 2 blade. 2 blades are more efficient. I can't think of any other reason that would explain the difference.
6) Never trust a teenage boy. They will say that they want to go all "Top Gun" with you. Then they puke.
7) My wife screams and threatens to harm me while I sleep when I unexpectedly roll the plane when she's in the back.

More later......


PostPosted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 7:01 am 
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Joined: Thu Mar 07, 2013 7:54 am
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Location: Evansville, IN
Very nice... 210 KTS, sweet! I get giddy when I break 180 KTS in my EZ.

Vaughn DeCoster
Cirrus SR20, N77ZX
Cell 479.445.9814

PostPosted: Thu May 09, 2013 9:33 am 
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Joined: Wed Mar 06, 2013 9:30 am
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Location: Mount Vernon, IN
My Rocket went to Canada recently, to its new home. I was a bit sad to see her go, but want to do some new things and needed the cash.

Dave Mathieson is one of the new owners: http://superdaveairshows.com/

I got to fly with Dave. He put me to shame in my own plane. He was so incredibly smooth on the controls, landings, takeoffs...everything. Aside from telling him about the systems, i.e. what button to push on the EFIS, I was just useless baggage during our flight. And this was his FIRST flight in the Rocket. I had 350 hours in it and totally stink by comparison.

Another partner is Mark Miller, who produces shows for the Discovery Channel: http://www.discovery.ca/Article.aspx?aid=34902 Click on the "ultimate aerobatics" link The video is worth watching. Very good stuff.

The other partner is Gavin Lee.

Dave and Mark plan to use my Rocket in a show for the Discovery Channel. Their plan is to take Gavin from being a new pilot to being an airshow pilot and chronicle the whole experience for one of their shows. Cool.

They also put a vinyl wrap on the Rocket to make it match Dave's MX2 aircraft. I'm sad to see my gorgeous plane covered up, but it should look pretty cool nonetheless.

I just wish that they'd have taught ME the aerobatics! But who wants to watch a show about some guy puking a lot? posting.php?mode=reply&f=6&t=4#

As you can imagine, I can't wait to see the show. Also, I think it is an honor to have my bird be chosen to be good enough to go on the airshow circuit. It will be Dave's back up aircraft when it is not being used elsewhere.

PostPosted: Thu May 09, 2013 9:35 am 
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Joined: Wed Mar 06, 2013 9:30 am
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Location: Mount Vernon, IN
BTW, I'm looking for an RV to sate the "need for speed" now that the Rocket is gone. Something in the <$60K range. Let me know if you know of anything nearby.

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