Ever notice how these newsletters almost always show the pilots and passengers smiling?
Obviously these are actors and not real pilots/owners. Why not show the face of a pilot who just made a dead stick landing because one of the jugs on his $46,000 turbo-normalized engine just went walkabout?
Or the visage of the Beechcraft Baron owner who has just seen the estimate for his annual?
Finally, how about a close up shot of the countenance of the pilot who is cleaning up the back of the plane after the kids and dog barfed in the back?
Now that's flying! Enjoy the article and have a safe Memorial weekend.
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Note: Take a minute this weekend to really look at the flags about and reflect on what it means to us; to those who have gone before and those who have made the ultimate sacrifice. To these men and women we owe a debt of gratitude which can never be repaid.
From the Farmer's Almanac: In remembering the fallen, we also honor their loved ones: spouses, fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, sisters, brothers, friends. There really aren’t proper words, but we do live in gratitude each and every day for the precious gift that they have given to us.
https://www.history.com/topics/holidays ... ay-history