As you may know, EAA recently announced an exciting new program available to all our EAA/IMC Club groups. Doug Stewart is making himself available for a virtual meeting to EAA/IMC Club groups around the country during May. It is featuring a ten-minute video clip of an ILS approach into KAVP from the East Coast IFR Experience. This segment highlights the use of onboard instruments to maintain situational awareness. After the presentation, Doug will be open for discussion IMC Club style.
The response has been so positively overwhelming that at this time, all chapter slots have been filled. However, there is still ample opportunity for you to join another chapter's meeting. You can participate at a date and time of your choice. Just click the link below and register for available time and day that works for you. ... l-meetingsDoug Stewart is the "National Certificated Flight Instructor of the Year for 2004". An eleven-time Master Certified Flight Instructor, Gold Seal Instructor, and Designated Pilot Examiner, he is based at the Columbia County Airport (1B1) in Hudson, NY.
All the best, Radek
Radek Wyrzykowski, EAA #1187948
Manager of Flight Proficiency
Experimental Aircraft Association