
KEVV Runway Safety Action Team (RSAT)
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Author:  rhino [ Wed Jul 29, 2020 10:52 am ]
Post subject:  KEVV Runway Safety Action Team (RSAT)

From Trent Tyler at EVV TRACON:

Team members (Yes, that’s ALL of us…),

Our “May” Runway Safety Action Team (RSAT) meeting was rescheduled to August 3, at 10:00AM. So that we can avoid further delay and facilitate this very important discussion, we have been entertaining several options. The leading contenders involve many (or most) of us participating remotely…

I would like to make sure all of us that do not want to be together in person have the opportunity to share their input with the team. My intent is to invite everyone to a Zoom event so that we can share the presentation and, in addition to in-person (socially distanced) input, we could make sure that everyone who would like to contribute is able.

If you DO NOT have the ability to join us in person or via Zoom, PLEASE let me know as soon as physically possible so we can quickly research alternative methods of maximizing our participation. While this poses some technical hurdles, my intent at this time is to continue to plan on an in-person meeting at the EVV Airport conference room, and also carry the meeting on Zoom so that everyone else may participate. If I don’t get feedback by next week, I will proceed with that plan so that we can all submit our input as we’re able.

Barring negative feedback, you’ll receive an email from me shortly with Zoom meeting information and hopefully we can have another productive Runway Safety Action Team Meeting!

Thank you all,

Trent Tyler
Operations Supervisor
Evansville ATCT

Author:  rhino [ Fri Jul 31, 2020 4:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: KEVV Runway Safety Action Team (RSAT)

Team members,

We will indeed be sharing our Runway Safety Action Team Meeting via Zoom at 10:00 AM Central Time on Monday, August 3. All of you who drive/fly/taxi/run/work on the airport are our Subject Matter Experts, and your expertise is absolutely necessary for our meeting to be a success. If you know of others who might be interested, PLEASE SHARE this email so they can also join and share their knowledge and experience with the rest of us!

Our in-person space will be limited, but our Zoom space is wide open! Please join us using the following links:

Web Browser:


• Click the JOIN button; enter Meeting ID: 160 6938 9452

Password: 890424

• If prompted, accept the Zoom application as instructed • For a camera enabled PC or laptop & Optimized for Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge

Mobile Device:

• Download the ‘Zoom Cloud Meetings’ App • Select ‘Join a Meeting’ and enter Meeting ID: 160 6938 9452

Password: 890424

We look forward to seeing each of you Monday morning at 10:00!

Thank you all for making time to make our airport safer,

Trent Tyler
Operations Supervisor
Evansville ATCT

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