On Thursday, January 31st, between the hours of 12:00 and 13:30, the local general aviation community, in partnership with EAA Chapter 21, Skylane Pilots Association and the EVV Pilots Club is sponsoring a take-away meal for the controllers, technicians and staffers at both KEVV and KOWB towers.
Our plan is to serve 75 meals here and 25 meals in Owensboro on that day. The menu is BBQ with sides, desert and a bottle of water. Depending upon time and availability, we will try and invite the TSA staffers on shift during that time as well.
As of this morning we have raised $1,050 dollars towards our goal of $1,400 - $1,600 (this number changes due to changes in staffing headcount). Off shift and furloughed staffers will be invited to come down and take away a meal by their supervisors.
Please consider making a donation to this worthy community supported cause. For more details or to make a donation, you may contact me directly at
rhinoceros@twc.com. Even if you choose not to donate, watch for updates and come on down to the towers and show your support to these men, women and families.