
Formation Clinic, Breakfast, Sullivan Airshow
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Author:  eaa21admin [ Fri May 24, 2013 1:40 am ]
Post subject:  Formation Clinic, Breakfast, Sullivan Airshow


Well, tomorrow looks like a nice day, so pilot lunch at Noonish at Rollie's pizza should be packed. See you there...

and for Saturday...

Sullivan is having its annual Aviation Awareness Day. Ron says there will be food, rides, and a short air show. So we're all hoping for good weather. One site says 20% chance of showers, another says 2%, and three others say no rain until later in the day, so let's all fly down to SIV for some fun on Saturday. Billy Werth and one of his buddies will be flying so you'll get to see some great aerobatics in Billy's new Christen Eagle and a Pitts.

The airport is NOTAMed closed from 1 to 2:30 for show flying. If you would like to fly in and do some fly-bys before 1, that would be fine. Just use you regular procedures and be careful and alert.

If you want to do some passes in the show, the briefing will be at noon, and you have to attend if you want to fly during the show. The airport will close to traffic at 1 when the show flying begins, but we'll be monitoring 122.8 for incoming traffic and intruders, so call up if you arrive after 1. Rumor has it that the air boss is friendly so unless an act is in progress, you'll probably get in. We'll lift the NOTAM and open the airport as soon as show flying ends, which should be well before 2:30.

Our Red Star buddies are holding a formation clinic at Rantoul, and we've invited them down if they get bored, so we may get a formation fly-by or two.

So plan for good weather and come on down to SIV on Saturday. We'll have some fun.

and I didn't find any other events for this weekend. I guess the holiday scared everyone away.

Please be careful up there,


Author:  L Carrico [ Tue May 28, 2013 8:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Formation Clinic, Breakfast, Sullivan Airshow

Pretty neat little event. Billy Werth invited me down as we were going to fly a little formation on the way home together, but unfortunately the weather hindered that.

I only stayed for about 25-30 minutes as the majority of GA pilots were bugging home due to the incoming rain, so I thought I would too. All very nice people there. I can't recall the air bosses name but they were very kind and professional.

I requested to do a low approach upon departure, and hearing "Cleared into the box!" over the radio was pretty darn neat. With the winds being so calm, got a nice 130kt pass (up in the yellow arc!) at around 10 feet down the runway. With 18/36 being so close to the hundred or so spectators there, I'm sure it looked pretty cool, even for a Cessna 172! :D

Cool little event. Will definitely show up next year.

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