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EAA21.ORG • View topic - SECOND SATURDAY Fly-Ins


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 Post subject: SECOND SATURDAY Fly-Ins
PostPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2018 5:31 pm 

Joined: Fri Aug 19, 2016 6:01 am
Posts: 284
For 2018, all normally scheduled KEHR fly-ins will take place on the SECOND Saturday from 1100 to 1400 hrs local.

Please watch here and the forum calendar for any changes and updates.

In the event of a cancellation, the fly-in event will become a drive-in event and take place at 3EV rain or shine!

PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2018 12:15 pm 

Joined: Fri Aug 19, 2016 6:01 am
Posts: 284
We are a GO for the first SECOND Saturday Fly-In at KEHR!

The weather forecast looks good and so does the menu. One temporary change to be aware of... the ramp in front of the FBO is under construction. Aircraft parking will be on the remote ramp (see attached file). You may call on unicom 122.8 and the ramp will send out a cart to collect you.

We begin at 1000 hrs local with food available from 11 - 1300 hrs local.

So pardon our dust and come on out and enjoy the weather, food and aviation stories (many of which are true or contain portions of the truth) as told by our many aviators.

EHR Airport Diagram with Apron.pdf [82.12 KiB]
Downloaded 1494 times

PostPosted: Fri May 11, 2018 11:16 am 

Joined: Fri Aug 19, 2016 6:01 am
Posts: 284

The 100LL truck is operational as David pointed out above.

Per the FBO... please park remotely on the new ramp (see diagram) and then call FBO on Unicom 122.8 for fuel or a free ride to FBO building.

Remember, keep your hands and feet inside the vehicle at all times and tip the drivers generously.

PostPosted: Sat May 12, 2018 4:56 pm 

Joined: Fri Aug 19, 2016 6:01 am
Posts: 284
Many thanks to the folks who attended todays Fly-In at KEHR. The attendance was excellent and we managed to raise a little money for the Chapter.

Despite the challenging winds, construction and unfettered story telling, I am pleased to say that a good time was had by all. And certainly NO ONE left hungry thanks to Twany and Steve Eberhart. I'd also like to add a shout out to Kimber Heddens for helping defray the Chapter expenses.

And in the interest of full disclosure:

The first rule in damage control (pun intended) is to get the information out there first and fast... and yes, I broke another airplane and, yes, it is an airplane I've broken many times before. In my defense, well, I guess I have none. This particular aircraft and I have a history. I've broken this airplane so many times that there are those among us who have taken to calling me Broker.

You know, if you let me fly your airplane I will return it broker than before.

Call me what you will. If your airplane has something that needs breaking, rest assured I can and will find it.

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