EAA Chapter 21 is looking for volunteers to assist in our fund raising activities during Henderson Airport's Aviation Day schedule for June 3rd, 2017.
We have committed to supplying a total of 5 people to staff the grilling duties from 11-1PM local time. In addition to preparing burgers, sausages and hot dogs, we will be doing the prep work for the food (e.g. cutting tomatoes, onions, lettuce, etc.). Because of the arrangement we have with DDA, this will be a huge opportunity for us to raise funds and add to the Chapter coffers (for what else? More food, of course!).
It would be a one hour shift of 2-3 people; the remainder of the time you get to eat/drink for free and enjoy the extraordinary events planned.
Please indicated your willingness to commit to this important event by replying here. And many thanks to those who do.
For those flying in, we will have a briefing on the activities, notams, taxi routes, parking arrangements, safety (wx, ATC and airspace) around mid-May.
Watch here for updates.